
Can offering choice to researchers reduce researcher bias?

High-quality peer review has never been more important to validate the science we publish. With research integrity regularly hitting the headlines, especially since the COVID pandemic, publishers and reviewers play a pivotal ...

Massive Outback rock art site reveals ancient narrative

Researchers have shed light on the story behind a large sandstone rock art site in Central Queensland that features seven star-like designs, large snake-like designs, six-toed human feet and even a penis.

Predicting migration pathways of mule deer without GPS collars

How do researchers understand where big-game animals migrate across vast landscapes each spring and fall? That is the question asked by biologists from the University of Wyoming and Idaho Department of Fish and Game in a ...

How we're reshaping global water storage

Globally, humans use about 4 trillion cubic meters of fresh water each year for everything from crop irrigation to cooling manufacturing equipment to generating electricity. In a recent study published in Earth's Future, ...

African ubuntu can deepen how research is done

Many academic studies have been centered on Western theories and methodologies for a long time. This approach to research is broadly defined as "universalist." It assumes that "one-size-fits-all" and set norms can be applied ...

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