
Researchers describe the role of water in protein folding

A study developed by researchers at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona (UB), published in the journal Physical Review Letters, describes the contribution of water to the three-dimensional structure of proteins ...

Exotic invaders dominating native species

Until relatively recently, New Zealand ecosystems were dominated by native plants, but a study by Associate Professor Kevin Burns has shown that the balance has now tipped in favour of exotic species.

How moths integrate sensory and control information

It's difficult enough to see things in the dark, but what if you also had to hover in midair while tracking a flower moving in the wind? That's the challenge the hummingbird-sized hawkmoth (Manduca sexta) must overcome while ...

Tiny magnets mimic steam, water and ice

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) created a synthetic material out of 1 billion tiny magnets. Astonishingly, it now appears that the magnetic properties of this so-called metamaterial change with the temperature, ...

Size matters when crocs are on the move

Crocodiles turning up in populated areas like Darwin Harbour or on east coast beaches can cause problems, but a long-term University of Queensland study is shedding light on which crocodiles travel and why.

'Sex and romance' among Dutch teenagers described

Project STARS has carried out the first long-term study into romantic relationships and sexuality among Dutch teenagers. Interestingly, the diaries the teenagers kept for the researchers reveal that the teenagers think more ...

Exploring catalytic reactions at the nanoscale

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has used a novel imaging capability - tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy - to map catalytic reactions at the nanoscale for the first time.

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