
Gender equity can cause sex differences to grow bigger

How do sex differences arise? Few questions animate as much disagreement and contention, in everyday society and in academic study. For as long as the question has been asked, the answers have fallen between two extremes: ...

Why so many Australian species are yet to be named

Turns out that in Australia, you are probably closer than you think to hundreds or thousands of species that don't have names. They are scientifically and culturally anonymous Australians.

Swift gamma-ray bursts—a 3D step toward standard candles

A new way to use the most powerful explosions in the Universe to calibrate its expansion has been developed by a team of researchers (Sergey Postnikov, Xavier Hernandez from Institute of Astronomy , UNAM, and Michal Ostrowski ...

Current global coral bleaching set to continue

University of Queensland scientists are concerned about news from the US National Ocean and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) that coral bleaching is likely to continue as hotter than normal ocean temperatures continue for the ...

Newborn giant planet grazes its star

For the past 20 years, exoplanets known as 'hot Jupiters' have puzzled astronomers. These giant planets orbit 100 times closer to their host stars than Jupiter does to the Sun, which increases their surface temperatures. ...

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