
Image: Hidden secrets of a massive star-formation region

Stellar nurseries are cloudy and dusty places that shine brightly in infrared light. The G305 star-forming complex is no exception. It features a number of bright, intricate gas clouds heated by infant stars in their midst. ...

New evidence for existence of Planet Nine

A large international team of researchers has found what they are describing as more evidence of the existence of Planet Nine. In their paper posted on the arXiv preprint server, the group describes the behavior of a newly ...

What are climate models, and how accurate are they?

There's a famous saying that "The climate is what you expect; the weather is what you get." As a native Texan moving to New York, I had an idea of what to expect, but was not fully prepared for what I would get. Because New ...

Symbiotic plankton: providers or parasites?

Out at sea, a scientist holds a plankton sample up to the light and observes the shimmering contents. This sparkling spectacle is caused by thousands of microscopic organisms living at the sea surface, their intricate, crystalline ...

People voyaged to Australia by boat more than 50,000 years ago

Researchers working to solve the mystery of how people first reached Australia have combined sophisticated deep sea mapping, voyage simulation techniques and genetic information to show that arrival was made by sizeable groups ...

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