
Report: MIT makes strides with women scientists

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has succeeded in boosting the number of women on its science and engineering faculties and in making the university a friendlier and more supportive place to work in the decade since ...

Huge ocean 'Frisbees' spin off Brazil's coast

As the North Brazil Current (NBC) moves northward along the northeastern coast of Brazil, it draws water from the South Equatorial Current and the freshwater outflow from the Amazon River, providing a source for warm, nutrient-rich ...

Rumors about two new Sony laptops abound

(PhysOrg.com) -- Is Sony trying to out Macbook the Macbook? That is the rumor floating around the tech world today. According to a rumor report, first put out by Sony Insider, the company is allegedly working on two different ...

With rewards, Zynga hopes to get you (more) hooked

(AP) -- Beware, if you're among the hordes who wonder where the time went after becoming absorbed in online games such as "FarmVille" and "CityVille." Zynga, the hot Internet startup that created those ever-engrossing pastimes, ...

Research channels powerful Kansas wind to keep electricity running

One of Kansas' most abundant natural resources may hold the key to preventing major power outages. A team of Kansas State University engineers is researching ways to use Kansas wind and other distributed energy sources to ...

One fish, two fish ... reef fish

Marine biologists have solved a conundrum that has stumped them for years – how to count reef fish. It may sound simple, but the task is actually complex and critical in helping to evaluate the state of our oceans, ...

When it comes to the environment, education affects our actions

The first set of findings from the survey are based on data from more than 22,000 individuals and show that people with degrees are 25% more likely, on average, than people with no education qualifications to adopt pro-environmental ...

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