
Researchers discover how cells modulate macropinocytic activity

Macropinocytosis is one of the major pathways by which cells non-selectively internalize extracellular fluids. The laboratory strain Dictyostelium discoideum serves as a valuable model for studying the regulation of macropinocytosis.

Membrane technology: Looking deep into the smallest pores

Membranes of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VaCNT) can be used to clean or desalinate water at high flow rate and low pressure. Recently, researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and partners carried out ...

Researchers reveal what makes some bacteria life-threatening

Queensland researchers have discovered that a mutation allows some E. coli bacteria to cause severe disease in people while other bacteria are harmless, a finding that could help combat antibiotic resistance. The findings ...

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