
Applying enhanced virtuality to language learning

Merging the real world with its mirror in a virtual world so that students can be immersed in a hybrid learning environment that permits improved language teaching: that is the objective of scientists at the Universidad Carlos ...

Scientists learn how to 'out run damage' with imaging technique

Over the decades X-ray crystallography has been fundamental in the development of many scientific fields. The method has revealed the structure and function of many biological molecules, including vitamins, drugs, proteins ...

Global permafrost zones in high-resolution images on Google Earth

Thawing permafrost will have far-reaching ramifications for populated areas, infrastructure and ecosystems. A geographer from the University of Zurich reveals where it is important to confront the issue based on new permafrost ...

Recipe for success: Recycled glass and cement

(PhysOrg.com) -- Michigan State University researchers have found that by mixing ground waste glass into the cement that is used to make concrete, the concrete is stronger, more durable and more resistant to water.

Increased amount of rail freight requires cities to change

Rail freight terminals are generally centrally located in cities. In order to achieve a sustainable transport system, where most freight is transported by rail rather than by lorry, terminals must be relocated to urban ...

How social media help save an endangered language

There was a time when everyone living in Michigan grew up speaking the native language of the area's indigenous people. Now less than 10 people born in the state are fluent, yet more than 2,700 people "like" the language ...

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