
More Americans of all ages spurning driver's licenses

While more and more teens and twentysomethings are forgoing driver's licenses, the most recent trend holds true for pretty much all age groups, say University of Michigan researchers.

Why don't more animals show off like peacocks?

When you marvel at the brilliant colors of a peacock's tail or enjoy the trill of a songbird, you might pause to consider that those creatures' ancestors probably didn't have a lot of friends.

Water key to cooling Australian cities

A group that comprises Australia's top water experts has welcomed a federal government plan to make cities greener and cooler.

Researchers go for the gold on a single chip

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers have created a library of nanoporous gold structures on a single chip that has direct applications for high-capacity lithium ion batteries as well as neural interfaces.

Buzz about natural fly insecticide

The University of Queensland and Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries researchers have developed a clean and safe insecticide to combat nuisance flies in cattle feedlots, using spores of a naturally occurring ...

New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors

One of the biggest obstacles to making fusion power practical—and realizing its promise of virtually limitless and relatively clean energy—has been that computer models have been unable to predict how the hot, electrically ...

Study explores how backing for clean technology should be designed

Governments often offer subsidies to consumers for clean-technology products, from home solar panels to electric vehicles. But what are the right levels of subsidy, and how should they be calculated? As a new paper co-authored ...

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