
Nokia to offer free mobile navigation services

(AP) -- Nokia Corp. said Thursday it will offer free navigation services globally for users of its smart phones, in a drive to counter a similar move by Google Inc.

EU clears Oracle takeover of Sun

(AP) -- The European Union on Thursday cleared Oracle Corp.'s proposed $7.4 billion takeover of Sun Microsystems Inc., saying it would not significantly affect competition in the EU.

Cost cuts boost 4Q profit for Xerox during slump

(AP) -- Xerox Corp. said Thursday that cost cutting boosted its fourth-quarter earnings. And it forecast a bigger-than-expected profit for this year, when it will fuse with Affiliated Computer Services Inc. to try to jump-start ...

Mountain plants unable to withstand invasion

An international research team has studied the distribution of plant species in mountainous environments. The study shows that mountain plant communities are not particularly resistant to invasion by exotic species. The scientists ...

Teaching computer games

Computer games have a broad appeal that transcends gender, culture, age and socio-economic status. Now, computer scientists in the US think that creating computer games, rather than just playing them could boost students' ...

Water still has a few secrets to tell

(PhysOrg.com) -- We are used to thinking of water as a substance with relatively few secrets left. Its basic structure has been studied by high school students for decades, and water is considered essential to our survival, ...

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