
Crowding-induced stress gives mackerel the blues

When mackerel die, they change color from green to blue. After seeing that live mackerel can also turn blue, a team of researchers wondered if this was because the fish were under stress. Their concerns proved to be correct.

Does bias exist in online learning?

As remote learning becomes commonplace amid the COVID-19 pandemic, little research has explored teacher bias in these virtual spaces. But a published study led by USC Rossier Associate Professor Yasemin Copur-Gencturk now ...

Webb reveals unprecedented glimpse of merging galaxies

Using the James Webb Space Telescope to look back in time at the early universe, astronomers discovered a surprise: a cluster of galaxies merging together around a rare red quasar within a massive black hole. The findings ...

Local bacteria help native seeds take root in arid landscapes

Dryland ecosystems cover about 40% of land on earth and support more than 2 billion people, and, once degraded—through overgrazing or inadequate irrigation—they are difficult to restore. One technique for restoring ecosystems ...

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