
New tool pulls elusive COVID-19 marker from human blood

When COVID-19 attacks, the immune system produces a cytokine, or protein, called Interleukin-6 (IL-6), whose concentrations can offer vital information about a patient's level and stage of infection.

Pinning down the ampere with a supersensitive particle detector

From light bulbs to cell phones, all electronic devices in everyday life rely on the flow of electrons to function. Just as scientists use meters to describe the length of an object or seconds to measure the passage of time, ...

Insights into a tiny insect that causes big damage

The western flower thrips—an invasive insect that's not much bigger than a pinhead—takes a huge bite out of agriculture around the world, racking up billions of dollars' worth of damage on a wide range of food, fiber ...

This is how universities can lead climate action

Universities are vital hubs of research and teaching on climate change. As large organizations, they also have significant emissions, which contribute to our climate crisis. Universities should therefore lead global action ...

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