
Database eyes human role in earthquakes

A new database showcasing hundreds of examples of human-triggered earthquakes should shake up policy-makers, regulators and industry executives looking to mitigate these unacceptable hazards caused by our own actions, according ...

Acoustics of ancient Greek theaters found to be good, not great

Tales of the acoustics at the 2300 year-old Greek theater of Epidaurus tend to be told in terms of superlatives. Not actually justified, according to measurements taken by researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology. ...

New report shows compelling reasons to decriminalise sex work

We recently studied the health and safety of sex workers in Western Australia. While such a study was conducted in 2007, we were interested to see if the sex industry had changed in the past decade, and to learn more about ...

Image: Jovian moon shadow

Jupiter's moon Amalthea casts a shadow on the gas giant planet in this image captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft. The elongated shape of the shadow is a result of both the location of the moon with relation to Jupiter in this ...

Researchers explore walleye for aquaculture

More than a thousand walleye are in the six sets of circular water tanks at the UW-Stevens Point Aquaponics Innovation Center in Montello, Wis. And they swim around in near-total darkness, their environment protected by several ...

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