
Alpine drilling fault project moves into new phase

The multi-national Alpine Fault drilling project has moved to a new phase with a new drilling rig positioned over the borehole to take the probe to its target depth of 1.3km

Unique guano innovation yields information on bat populations

Two Northern Arizona University scientists have created a tool to identify bat species using DNA in guano, a non-invasive method that can aid in preservation of endangered species. Because bats disperse seeds, pollinate ...

Over-organizing repair cells set the stage for fibrosis

The excessive activity of repair cells in the early stages of tissue recovery sets the stage for fibrosis by priming the activation of an important growth factor, according to a study in The Journal of Cell Biology.

Exomoons Could Be Abundant Sources Of Habitability

With about 4,000 planet candidates from the Kepler Space Telescope data to analyze so far, astronomers are busy trying to figure out questions about habitability. What size planet could host life? How far from its star does ...

Vatican's manuscripts digital archive now available online

NTT DATA Corporation, a global IT services provider, today announced its deployment of a new application for accessing and browsing the Vatican Apostolic Library's digital archive online, enabling people to view digital reproductions ...

Strengthening thin-film bonds with ultrafast data collection

When studying extremely fast reactions in ultrathin materials, two measurements are better than one. A new research tool invented by researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Johns Hopkins University and ...

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