
How common is debt imprisonment in the US today?

Imprisonment for unpaid debts might seem Dickensian, a relic of harsher times. But thousands of people serve jail time each year in the U.S. for failure to pay fines, fees, and other court costs, often resulting from lower-level ...

Crocodilians' ancestors grew old slowly

A recently discovered gigantic, ancient crocodylomorph species grew more slowly than other large reptiles of its day, such as dinosaurs, according to the new study, "Origins of slow growth on the crocodilian stem lineage" ...

Nanotechnology in the fight against viruses

Newly emerging and recurrent cases of viral infections constitute a significant problem and a huge challenge to public health. Most countries prevent or control acute viral infections through widespread vaccination and improved ...

Genetically modifying individual cells in animals

One proven method for tracking down the genetic causes of diseases is to knock out a single gene in animals and study the consequences this has for the organism. The problem is that for many diseases, the pathology is determined ...

Archaeologists discover world's oldest wooden structure

Half a million years ago, earlier than was previously thought possible, humans were building structures made of wood, according to new research by a team from the University of Liverpool and Aberystwyth University.

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