
Hot spells threaten ringtail habitat

THE potential impacts of anthropogenic global warming on the western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentals) have been explored in a recent Edith Cowan University research paper.

Water-shedding surfaces can be made to last

Steam condensation is key to the worldwide production of electricity and clean water: It is part of the power cycle that drives 85 percent of all electricity-generating plants and about half of all desalination plants globally, ...

Energy aware means energy efficient

'Smart Grids' are the future of electricity supply, allowing consumers to become interactive participants in a supply network that includes decentralised as well as centralised power generation. 'Information and communication ...

Micro cameras flex their way into the future of imaging

Imagine sticking a thin sheet of microscopic cameras to the surface of a car to provide a rear-view image, or wrapping that sheet around a pole to provide 360-degree surveillance of an intersection under construction.

To be or not to be green

What happens to research findings once the researchers have gone away? A web site run from the University of Stuttgart in Germany offers scientists an opportunity to bring their own data from completed research project on ...

Catching the bug: Researchers developing virus-detection technology

A new flu virus makes its first appearance in the United States on a restroom doorknob at an international airport in January. Before it can be positively identified by the Centers for Disease Control, the virus spreads throughout ...

Songbirds may have 'borrowed' DNA to fuel migration

A common songbird may have acquired genes from fellow migrating birds in order to travel greater distances, according to a University of British Columbia study published this week in the journal Evolution.

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