
Swedish museum to recover lost scientific artifact

A rare 16th-century scientific instrument used by early astronomers that has been missing from a Swedish museum for around a decade has been recovered and will be returned this week, the London-based Art Loss Register says.

Quantifying uncertainty in computer model predictions

DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has great interest in technologies that will lead to reducing the CO2 emissions of fossil-fuel-burning power plants. Advanced energy technologies such as Integrated Gasification ...

Why children should be taught philanthropy

"Philanthropy" is usually a word we associate with the world of adults and rich people. Increasingly though, children from a spread of socio-economic backgrounds are participating in and learning about what it means to be ...

Riser fatigue insights to benefit offshore projects

Local research into the risers on offshore oil and gas platforms aims to increase the accuracy of fatigue damage estimates to make steel catenary risers (SCRs) more economical to construct.

China, US, Qatar singled out on 'Earth Overshoot Day'

China, the United States and Qatar were accused of environmental plunder on Tuesday as green activists marked "Earth Overshoot Day," the date at which mankind has exhausted a year's budget of natural resources.

Real-time travel updates direct to your smartphone

A bluetooth application that gives tourists real-time city information on their smartphones has been developed through a pan-European initiative. An updated iPhone app was released in time for the summer, providing visitors ...

Designer glue improves lithium-ion battery life

(Phys.org) —When it comes to improving the performance of lithium-ion batteries, no part should be overlooked – not even the glue that binds materials together in the cathode, researchers at SLAC and Stanford have found.

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