
Specialized cellular compartments discovered in bacteria

Researchers at McGill University have discovered bacterial organelles involved in gene expression, suggesting that bacteria may not be as simple as once thought. This finding could offer new targets for the development of ...

New research reveals antifungal symbiotic peptide in legume

Fungal diseases cause substantial losses of agricultural harvests each year. The fungus Botrytis cinerea causing gray mold disease is a major problem for farmers growing strawberries, grapes, raspberries, tomatoes and lettuce. ...

How smart, ultrathin nanosheets go fishing for proteins

An interdisciplinary team from Frankfurt and Jena has developed a kind of bait with which to fish protein complexes out of mixtures. Thanks to this 'bait,' the desired protein is available much faster for further examination ...

Tidal variation of total suspended solids over the Yangtze bank

The Yangtze Bank is a flat and broad shallow water, located at the junction of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Large river discharge and strong wind- and tide-induced mixing have created a large quantity of land sediment ...

Native bushland's fertility secret

In hotter, dryer conditions with climate change, a secret agent for more sustainable agricultural production could lie in harvesting the diverse beneficial soil microbiome in native bushland settings, scientists say.

Bouncing bubbles shake up emulsion studies

Some of the fastest video cameras ever developed have been used by KAUST researchers to clarify how molecular-scale changes to water surfaces may impact the performance of industrial-scale purifications.

New fabrics with antiviral properties

Brazilian textile companies have begun producing and marketing fabrics treated with silver and silica nanoparticles developed by the research groups at the Center for Functional Materials (CDMF) and the Theoretical and Computational ...

Workplace automation has sizeable negative impact on pay gap

For every 10 percent increase in the number of robots in the workplace, researchers found a 1.8 percent increase in the conditional pay gap between male and female employees, though both men and women did see their pay increase ...

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