
XX protection against age-related mutations

Researchers at the University of Valencia's Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology have put the 'unguarded X hypothesis' to the test and confirmed that differences in lifespan between the sexes, a widespread ...

A chair for getting fit and trim

Getting fit and athletic – while sitting? Researchers at the Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) of Bielefeld University are developing an active chair as part of the KogniHome research project. ...

Medieval water power initiated the collapse of salmon stocks

Salmon largely disappeared from the Netherlands due to the construction of water mills, ecologists from Radboud University conclude (Scientific Reports, 20 July). The construction of water mills caused the destruction of ...

Making massive materials data sets and tools accessible to all

University of Wisconsin-Madison engineers recently used powerful computers to quickly and accurately develop the world's largest computed database of information about an important materials-mixing process called diffusion.

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