
Will the 2014 El Nino be like 1997?

Every ten days, the NASA/French Space Agency Jason-2 satellite maps all the world's oceans, monitoring changes in sea surface height, a measure of heat in the upper layers of the water. Because our planet is more than 70% ...

Strikes spread within and between industrial sectors

Strikes are contagious. So there is a chance that the security staff at Schiphol who held a strike yesterday and the further education college lecturers who are striking tomorrow will also encourage other to strike. Strikes, ...

Symbiosis: enforced surrender?

Scientists from INRA and Lorraine University in France unraveled a key mechanism in the symbiosis between fungi and trees. During this mutually beneficial interaction, the fungus takes control of its host plant by injecting ...

Mix of quick and conventional charging protects the battery

Interference-free charging is a major prerequisite for the economically efficient use of electric vehicles. After about 120,000 km driven electrically, the RheinMobil project has proved that a combination of quick and conventional ...

NASA rover gains Martian vista from ridgeline

The rim surrounding Endeavour Crater on Mars recedes southward, then sweeps around to the east in a vista obtained by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. The view is from high on the south end of the "Murray Ridge" ...

A big tick for entomologists: New 3D colour scans of insects

Observation is a cornerstone of science – we learn much about the universe and how it works just by looking at it. But observation can be a huge challenge. It's easy to forget that human eyes allow us to see only the tiniest ...

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