
Product proliferation may not work for certain products

Companies that manufacture or sell products are often constrained by the amount of resources they can dedicate to one product. Many companies enact a strategy known as product proliferation, where one product is given many ...

Study shows how some bacteria withstand antibiotic onslaught

In a study with implications for chronic infections, Princeton researchers have described multiple pathways that some bacteria use to tolerate normally lethal antibiotic treatments. The findings overturn common assumptions ...

NASA study predicts less Saharan dust in future winds

During 2020, global average surface temperatures were the hottest on record, tying with 2016 as the warmest recorded year. Last year was also the most active hurricane season to date, with many storms quickly intensifying. ...

Fake news and half-truths take a toll on financial markets

Three University of Canterbury (UC) financial economists have shed light on a puzzling relationship between economic policy uncertainty and the Volatility Index (VIX) - fear gauge of the stock market, and how the quality ...

New catalyst for lower carbon dioxide emissions

If the CO2 content of the atmosphere is not to increase any further, carbon dioxide must be converted into something else. However, as CO2 is a very stable molecule, this can only be done with the help of special catalysts. ...

2D nanomaterial MXene: The perfect lubricant for rovers

You can lubricate a bicycle chain with oil, but what do you do with a Mars rover or a red-hot conveyor belt in the steel industry? Very special nanomaterials have now been studied by the TU Wien together with research groups ...

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