
Territorial defense by the Taiwanese Kukrisnake

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a first documented case of territorial behavior by a species of snake, a team led by Wen-San Huang of Taiwan’s National Museum of Natural Science and Cornell University discuss the Kukrisnakes from ...

Romania grants subsidies to boost electric car sales

Romania will grant up to 3,700 euros in subsidies to those buying electric cars in a bid to stimulate sales of more environmentally friendly vehicles, the government said Wednesday.

Poor households take lead in abandoning landlines

(AP) -- In a financial and technological role reversal, a growing number of Americans are getting rid of their old telephones and using only cellphones, a trend being led not by the high-tech elite but by people in poorer ...

Laser sparks revolution in internal combustion engines

For more than 150 years, spark plugs have powered internal combustion engines. Automakers are now one step closer to being able to replace this long-standing technology with laser igniters, which will enable cleaner, more ...

Amazon to allow libraries to lend Kindle books

Amazon said Wednesday that Kindle owners will be able to borrow books for the electronic book readers from more than 11,000 US public libraries later this year.

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