
A chemical modified version of the second messenger cAMP

Second messengers are small molecules that transmit signals in the cell. A single second messenger typically interacts with several signalling proteins. "Even though this may give the impression of promiscuity, the interactions ...

Living longer, not healthier

A study of long-lived mutant C. elegans by scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School shows that the genetically altered worms spend a greater portion of their life in a frail state and exhibit less activity ...

Doing the right thing

General Motors is in the midst of a series of large-scale, costly automobile recalls, and the process has engendered an assessment of the company in the public arena that isn't particularly flattering at the moment.

Public attitude toward tiger farming and tiger conservation

The wild tiger Panthera tigris is considered critically endangered, and it faces unprecedented threats, including habitat loss and fragmentation, depletion of prey, and continued illegal poaching for trade of tiger bones ...

Mapping the maize genome

Positional cloning is a genetic mapping technique used to pinpoint the location of specific traits of interest, such as disease-causing genes or mutations, within the genome. Very simply, this map-based technique involves ...

Climate change does not bode well for picky eaters

In a part of the world that is experiencing the most dramatic increase in temperature and climate change, two very similar species of animals are responding very differently. New research published today suggests that how ...

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