
Strong quake hits Haiti: US geologists

A strong earthquake that scientists measured at 6.1 magnitude hit Port-au-Prince Wednesday, sending residents running into the streets eight days after the city was razed by a 7.0 quake.

UN climate report riddled with errors on glaciers (Update)

(AP) -- Five glaring errors were discovered in one paragraph of the world's most authoritative report on global warming, forcing the Nobel Prize-winning panel of climate scientists who wrote it to apologize and promise to ...

Sony delays release of motion controller

(AP) -- Sony Corp. said Wednesday it has pushed back the release of its highly anticipated motion controller for the PlayStation 3 game console to the fall.

'Survival of the cutest' proves Darwin right

Domestic dogs have followed their own evolutionary path, twisting Darwin's directive "survival of the fittest" to their own needs -- and have proved him right in the process, according to a new study by biologists Chris Klingenberg, ...

Gardeners must unite to save Britain's wildlife

Householders in the UK should be looking beyond their own garden fence to protect vulnerable British wildlife, according to scientists at the University of Leeds.

Chemical analyses uncover secrets of an ancient amphora

A team of chemists from the University of Valencia (UV) has confirmed that the substance used to hermetically seal an amphora found among remains at Lixus, in Morocco, was pine resin. The scientists also studied the metallic ...

Membrane-coat proteins: Bacteria have them too

Although they are present almost everywhere, on land and sea, a group of related bacteria in the superphylum Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae, or PVC, have remained in relative obscurity ever since they were first ...

Friendly bacteria love the humble apple

Why does an apple a day keep the doctor away? New research published in the open access journal BMC Microbiology contributes to our understanding of why eating apples is good for you.

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