
Mosquito alert app: How to track invasive mosquitoes

Have you ever been bitten by a tiger? A tiger mosquito, that is. This invasive species and other close Asian species have found their way to Europe. But thanks to an ingenious smartphone app developed by the COST Action Aedes ...

Call to protect Australian tenants with pets

With the national squeeze in rental accommodation, Flinders University researchers say it's more important than ever that the South Australian Parliament legislate to uphold the rights of tenants with pets.

If there is phosphine on Venus, there isn't much

In the absence of direct observations of extraterrestrial life, scientists often focus on searching for biosignatures, chemical by-products of life, that can be detected with remote sensing. Although Mars has received the ...

An easy way for dairy farmers to reduce their climate impact

Adding even a small amount of biochar—a charcoal-like material produced by burning organic matter—to a dairy's manure-composting process reduces methane emissions by 84%, a recent study by UC Merced researchers shows.

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