
Unlocking the potential of magnetic skyrmions

Magnetic skyrmions offer the promise of next-generation memory and computing technologies, such as cache memory devices and cloud computing. Now A*STAR researchers have developed an innovative technique for making tunable ...

A powerful duo

An important aspect of pharmacology is understanding how active drug ingredients cross-react with endogenous molecules. But until now, such reactions could only be determined after the event. The precise details of the interacting ...

Aussie snakes and lizards trace back to Asia 30 million years ago

Deadly snakes are among Australia's most iconic animals but a new study led by The Australian National University (ANU) has helped explain how they descended from creatures that have emigrated from Asia over the past 30 million ...

In Israel, searching for droughts past and future

Perched on a cliff face in Israel's Negev Desert, close to where the book of Genesis says the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were burned with divine fire, geologist Steven Goldstein was excitedly uncovering evidence ...

Neutron star merger confirms decades of predictions

On Aug. 17, the Laser Interferometry Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detected the fifth fingerprint of a massive disturbance in spacetime since LIGO began operations in September 2015. Unlike the first four sets of ...

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