
Chemists discover unexpected enzyme structure

Many microbes have an enzyme that can convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide. This reaction is critical for building carbon compounds and generating energy, particularly for bacteria that live in oxygen-free environments.

How the African elephant cracked its skin to cool off

An intricate network of minuscule crevices adorns the skin surface of the African bush elephant. By retaining water and mud, these micrometer-wide channels greatly help elephants in regulating their body temperature and protecting ...

Eighth-century skeleton found at Torcello

On the island of Torcello, at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice excavation site, some protagonists of the island's thousand-year history have begun to emerge. A tomb datable to around 700 A.D. has recently been unearthed ...

Single atoms break carbon's strongest bond

An international team of scientists including researchers at Yale University and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a new catalyst for breaking carbon-fluorine bonds, one of ...

Daimler chief says company can't be a 'behemoth'

Daimler chief executive Dieter Zetsche hinted Tuesday that the German carmaker must downsize under its new boss if it is to stay competitive in an industry that is shifting gears fast.

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