
By Jove! Can climate change lead us to life on other planets?

Thanks to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, we've recently heard a great deal about how the Earth's climate is changing. The IPCC's cautious assessment of the situation is that ...

Cameras capture Sumatran rhino in Indonesian Borneo

Hidden cameras have captured images of the critically endangered Sumatran rhino on the Indonesian part of Borneo island, where it was thought to have long ago died out, the WWF said Wednesday.

SwRI adds five chambers for deep water simulation testing

Five additional chambers for high-pressure, high-temperature testing are now available for use at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI).The deep water ocean chambers are capable of attaining pressures of 30,000 psig at a rated ...

Yale scientist sheds fresh light on Einstein

Albert Einstein's celebrated genius may be underappreciated, according to a new book by Yale physicist A. Douglas Stone: The father of relativity theory deserves far more credit than he gets for his insights into quantum ...

'We should stop designing perfect circuits'

Are integrated circuits "too good" for current technological applications? Christian Enz, the new Director of the Institute of Microengineering, backs the idea that perfection is overrated.

Stanford releases new poverty index for California

The sky-high cost of housing in California is pushing many families into poverty, according to new research by Stanford's Center on Poverty and Inequality and the Public Policy Institute of California.

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