
Low-cost and defect-free graphene

Graphene is one of the most promising new materials. However, researchers across the globe are still looking for a way to produce defect-free graphene at low costs. Chemists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universiät Erlangen-Nürnberg ...

How maggots are influencing the future of robotics

What can software designers and ICT specialists learn from maggots? Quite a lot, it would appear. Through understanding how complex learning processes in simple organisms work, EU scientists hope to usher in an era of self-learning ...

Ice not a major factor of dwarf planet Ceres' surface features

Although there is significant evidence of ice on the surface of the dwarf planet Ceres, the largest object in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, an analysis of the surface geology indicates that ice is not a major factor in ...

Researcher battles the shrub Scotch broom

The shrub Scotch broom is more than resilient—when it moves into a region it annihilates the long-established ecosystems and takes over the landscape.

Reclaiming industrial waste water in minutes

Treatment of industrial waste water is one of the biggest and most urgent environmental challenges of our time. All major energy production and manufacturing industries require water as a critical input. In 2013, Statistics ...

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