
Muskrats as a bellwether for a drying delta

The muskrat, a stocky brown rodent the size of a Chihuahua—with a tail like a mouse, teeth like a beaver and an exceptional ability to bounce back from rapid die-offs—has lived for thousands of years in one of Earth's ...

Rewilding cities: grow back greener, cleaner and healthier

One of the lasting legacies of COVID-19 pandemic, perhaps, is our increased appreciation of open green spaces across towns and cities. Those of us living in bustling cities, have experienced, to various extents, the power ...

First high-altitude drop test success for ExoMars parachute

After several weeks of bad weather and strong winds, the latest pair of high-altitude drop tests of the ExoMars parachutes took place in Kiruna, Sweden. The 15 m-wide first stage main parachute performed flawlessly at supersonic ...

Modeling volcanic debris clouds

When a volcano violently erupts, a plume of ash and gases spews skyward. The hot slurry quickly rises into the atmosphere, where various atmospheric dynamics interact to shape the volcanic cloud's composition, height, and ...

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