
Cause of abnormal groundwater rise after large earthquake

Increases in groundwater levels and volumes after large earthquakes have been observed around the world, but the details of this process have remained unclear due to a lack of groundwater data directly before and after an ...

Experts measure the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Between March 21 and 28, as the country enacted quarantine measures, the United States experienced a 3,000% jump in joblessness claims. By the end of March, a stock market drop had wiped out all gains from the previous three ...

Understanding the circadian clocks of individual cells

Two new studies led by UT Southwestern scientists outline how individual cells maintain their internal clocks, driven both through heritable and random means. These findings, published online May 1 in PNAS and May 27 in eLife, ...

A path to new nanofluidic devices applying spintronics technology

Researchers in the ERATO Saitoh Spin Quantum Rectification Project in the JST Strategic Basic Research Programs have elucidated the mechanism of the hydrodynamic power generation using spin currents in micrometer-scale channels, ...

COVID-19 leaving some Americans sick and hungry

The COVID-19 pandemic is not just making Americans sick, it's leaving many hungry as well, and experts who gathered for a Harvard Chan School forum on the problem said that legislation to relieve the pandemic's economic burden ...

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