
Biologists simulate a cell in action

(Phys.org) —The inner workings of a cell involve hundreds of thousands of discrete molecules, engaged in a repeating cycle of interactions that sustain life.

Goodbye Herschel: Closing views of an icon

(Phys.org) —This tiny dot against the streaking star field is one of the last views that ground-based observers will see of ESA's iconic Herschel space observatory.

Liverpool Telescope plans double-sized successor

(Phys.org) —Planning is underway for a successor to the world's largest fully robotic telescope. The Liverpool Telescope (LT) is a 2-metre optical telescope located on La Palma that has been in operation since 2004. It ...

Measurements help defend grid against space weather

Since the invention of the telescope four centuries ago, astronomers have become more aware of the active nature of the Sun, and how events on its surface can affect the Earth. One of the most dramatic of these is 'space ...

Brain-penetrating particle attacks deadly tumors

(Phys.org) —Scientists have developed a new approach for treating a deadly brain cancer that strikes 15,000 in the United States annually and for which there is no effective long-term therapy. The researchers, from Yale ...

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