
Low-cost pollution detectors to tackle air quality

Pollution causes 30,000 people a year in the UK to die early yet most of us are unaware of the degree to which we are exposed to it. Low-cost pollution detectors could provide the answer.

New urban landscape at Taiwan's Computex

An improved urban landscape with safer driving, quick payment systems and pollution alerts was laid out at Asia's biggest tech trade fair Tuesday.

Researchers seek sneak peek into the future of forests

Scores of scientists from dozens of research institutions are descending on a patch of forest in central North Carolina, taking samples of everything from ants and mites to rotifers and tardigrades – samples they hope will ...

Climate change brings rain to fragile African ecosystems

Live Aid took place 30 years ago this summer, raising £150million for drought-stricken regions of Africa. But the world inadvertently did something else to help: greenhouse gas increases brought back life-giving rains.

A new timetable of eukaryotic evolution

Contaminated samples have evidently created some confusion in the timetable of life. On the basis of ultra-clean analyses, an international team, including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, has ...

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