
Scientists make huge strides in imaging science

(Phys.org) —University scientists have developed a rapid new technique involving X-ray imaging that allows clear images to be obtained displaying the orientational properties of molecules in solid materials.

Scientists shed light on how microRNAs repress protein synthesis

(Phys.org) —Scientists from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research have discovered how microRNAs repress translation of mRNAs. In a structure-function study published in Molecular Cell, they report different ...

Torrefaction an alternative to pulverised coal combustion

Torrefaction - the slow roasting of biomass material to improve its energy content - has been touted as part of a solution for the large-scale implementation of bioenergy. The industry says that torrefaction technology is ...

Solar Impulse 2 plane makes maiden flight (Update)

A sun-powered plane made a successful test flight on Monday, clearing a vital hurdle towards its goal of a round-the-world trip next year, its pilot and mission chiefs said.

IBM invention helps eliminate fraudulent behavior in the cloud

IBM today announced it has patented a technique that helps online and cloud-based businesses improve their ability to eliminate fraud by analyzing browsing behavior to determine whether customers are who they say they are ...

Nanotechnology takes on diabetes

(Phys.org) —A sensor which can be used to screen for diabetes in resource-poor settings has been developed by researchers and tested in diabetic patients, and will soon be field tested in sub-Saharan Africa.

Environmental change leaves its footprint in the epigenome

(Phys.org) —Monozygotic twins look more similar when they are young than later in life. One of the reasons for this is epigenetic change in the form of chemical modifications of the DNA or its packaging proteins. Environmental ...

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