
A safer way to deal with raw sewage in the developing world

In 2011, an engineering student came up with an idea to help people in the developing world deal with raw sewage. His goal was to use technology to help save lives by limiting people's exposure to the pathogens in human waste. ...

Tropical seagrass examined for light pressures

Research into seagrass susceptibility to dredging activities has revealed exactly how fragile some of the tropical marine plants species are when faced with a decreased level of light.

Boom or bust in a jelly bloom market

The earth's climate is changing and extreme weather events are on the rise. Hurricanes are wreaking havoc with more ferocity, summers are getting warmer and winters colder. But what about our oceans? They, too, are warming.

Some shape-shifting animals that can morph to fool others

Animals come in all different shapes and sizes, but only a few can change their shapes. Researchers in Ecuador recently reported a new species of frog that can change its skin texture from spiny to smooth – the first ever ...

Know instantly how much privacy a website visit costs you

Providers do not keep secret how their websites use your personal information – it's always shown in their privacy policy. But hardly anybody ever reads that information. That's why PhD candidate Elisa Costante of TU/e ...

Scary times for Europe's comet-chaser Rosetta (Update)

Europe's pioneering probe Rosetta battled breakdowns with navigation and communication with Earth after it ran into blasts of dust and gas from the comet it is tracking, mission control said Thursday.

Revisiting the mechanics of the action potential

The action potential is widely understood as an electrical phenomenon. However, a long experimental history has documented the existence of co-propagating mechanical signatures.

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