
Key to doing your best at work? Be yourself, say experts

Today, the most innovative leaders aren't the conformers. They're the bold individualists who carve their own paths. So learning to embrace one's inner "badass" is the new key to success, say Harvard Business School faculty ...

Complex fluid dynamics may explain hydroplaning

When a vehicle travels over a wet or flooded road, water builds up in front of the tire and generates a lift force. In a phenomenon known as hydroplaning, this force can become large enough to lift the vehicle off the ground.

How does plastic debris make its way into ocean garbage patches?

Tons of plastic debris get released into the ocean every day, and most of it accumulates within the middle of garbage patches, which tend to float on the oceans' surface in the center of each of their regions. The most infamous ...

Mammal ancestors moved in their own unique way

The backbone is the Swiss Army Knife of mammal locomotion. It can function in all sorts of ways that allows living mammals to have remarkable diversity in their movements. They can run, swim, climb and fly all due, in part, ...

Helping students navigate implicit bias

Most undergraduates will tell you they don't have a bias for or against any gender in the workplace—but surveys will often reveal implicit biases that the students aren't aware of. An interdisciplinary team at NC State ...

Shift in scientific consensus about demise of Neanderthals

It is still unclear how the Neanderthals died out. For long, one theory seemed most likely: the emergence of the highly intelligent Homo sapiens, or modern humans. This competition hypothesis is no longer the dominant theory ...

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