
Quantum mechanical simulations of Earth's lower mantle minerals

The theoretical mineral physics group of Ehime University led by Dr. Taku Tsuchiya has developed high-precision computational techniques for studying Earth and planetary materials based on quantum mechanical theory and reported ...

Researchers develop photostimulated transparent glass ceramic

Magnetic data storage has been gradually replaced by optical data storage (ODS) with higher efficiency, lower energy consumption, larger capacity, and longer service lifetime. As a classical kind of ODS medium, photostimulated ...

Researchers review methods for sky view factor estimation

The sky view factor (SVF) is a geometric concept that refers to the ratio of the radiation received by a planar surface to the radiation emitted by the entire hemispheric environment. These dimensionless values are used to ...

Rethinking 'tipping points' in ecosystems and beyond

When a grassland becomes a desert, or a clearwater lake shifts to turbid, the consequences can be devastating for the species that inhabit them. These abrupt environmental changes, known as regime shifts, are the subject ...

A novel biofuel system for hydrogen production from biomass

A novel technology has been developed for hydrogen production from the process, which involves electron that is produced during the decomposition of biomass such as waste wood. The result produced after biomass decomposition ...

Riding the wave of a supernova to go interstellar

When it comes to the challenges posed by interstellar travel, there are no easy answers. The distances are immense, the amount of energy needed to make the journey is tremendous, and the time scales involved are (no pun!) ...

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