
Humans evolved by sharing technology and culture

Blombos Cave in South Africa has given us vast knowledge about our early ancestors. In 2015, four open access articles, with research finds from Blombos as a starting point, have been published in the journal PLOS ONE.

News sites 'not liable for offensive reader comment'

News websites are not responsible for "insulting and rude" comments by readers, the European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday, after a Hungarian website was sued for messages on its forum.

Synthetic chemists make molecules that shouldn't exist

At drinks parties and dinners, if someone asks what I do for a living, I always say: "Synthetic chemist … I make new molecules … especially those that shouldn't exist." People typically respond that they were not very ...

Kids are opting out of online social media

When my digital media students are sitting, waiting for class to start and staring at their phones, they are not checking Facebook. They're not checking Instagram, or Pinterest or Twitter. No, they're catching up on the news ...

Lava flow crisis averted (for now)

Lava flow crises are nothing new on Hawai'i, where their destructive forces have been demonstrated repeatedly. The 2014-2015 Pahoa lava flow crisis, however, was unique in terms of its societal impact and volcanological characteristics. ...

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