
Biomaterials: Hydrogel fibers make tissue generation efficient

Much research has been devoted to generating viable tissues to replace damaged tissues in organs, such as the liver. Incorporating cellular and vascular networks into engineered tissues increases the potential of the biomaterial ...

Acrobatic birds aren't as energetic as they look

In research published this week in Proceedings of the Royal Society B scientists have found that the acrobatic courtship displays of male golden-collared manakins are less energetically costly than they appear.

Rapid diagnostics, a new opportunity for European companies

Led by the Basque R&D Alliance IK4, 13 organisations in 8 different countries have been conducting research for three years under the European LabOnFoil project to develop new rapid diagnostic devices.

Bagging a bargain: Shopping as sport

On your marks, get set, SHOP. Sport Shoppers are an intriguing, emerging breed of discerning and dedicated shoppers who even have their own app on which to display their "scores".

Norway's quest to discover all of its native species

More than a thousand new species –nearly one-quarter of which are new to science – have been discovered in Norway since a unique effort to find and name all of the country's species began in 2009.

For our future in space, China must aim further than the Moon

A famous picture in the English edition of Newton's "Principia" shows cannon balls being fired from the top of a mountain. If they go fast enough, their trajectory curves downward no more steeply than the Earth curves away ...

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