
Controlling parasitic worms with genetic selection

Helminths are gastrointestinal parasitic worms that have become a major concern and source of economic loss for sheep producers around the world. A new article published today in the Canadian Journal of Animal Science reviews ...

Graphene origami opens up new spintronics features

(Phys.org) —Despite graphene's many impressive properties, its lack of a bandgap limits its use in electronic applications. In a new study, scientists have theoretically shown that a bandgap can be opened in graphene by ...

Empowering people with disabilities in the green industries

People with disabilities represent a talented and creative section of the workforce in most areas of employment. A study to be published in the International Journal of Green Economics, suggests that as the so-called "green ...

Researchers team up on potential fuel cell advance

Scientists at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory put together clues from experiments and theory to discover subtle variations in the way fuel cells generate electricity – an advance that could lead to ways to make the ...

NASA's Deep Space Network turns 50

NASA's Deep Space Network, the world's largest and most powerful communications system for "talking to" spacecraft, will reach a milestone on Dec. 24: the 50th anniversary of its official creation.

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