
Stars reveal the secrets of looking young

Some people are in great shape at the age of 90, while others are decrepit before they're 50. We know that how fast people age is only loosely linked to how old they actually are—and may have more to do with their lifestyle. ...

Simplest cotton genome offers clues for fiber improvements

An international consortium of researchers published a high-quality draft assembly of the simplest cotton genome in the Dec. 20, 2012 issue of Nature. In the study, researchers traced the evolution of cotton and fiber development ...

South Africa rhino poaching toll jumps to 633

At least 633 rhinos have been killed in South Africa this year, a record toll as demand for their horns continues to surge on the black market in Asia, the government said Wednesday.

Paper waste used to make bricks

Researchers at the University of Jaen (Spain) have mixed waste from the paper industry with ceramic material used in the construction industry. The result is a brick that has low thermal conductivity meaning it acts as a ...

Not without my microbes

After metamorphosis European forest cockchafers benefit from the same bacterial symbionts housed during their larval stage.

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