
Solitary confinement by any other name is still torture

In October 2020, criminologists Anthony Doob and Jane Sprott released a report on Correctional Services Canada's (CSC) use of structured intervention units (SIUs). SIUs were intended to replace the use of solitary confinement ...

Demise of a glacier, uncovering a fjord

The Hardanger region in southwestern Norway is famous for a mild climate, steep rock walls and delicious apples. Towards the end of the last Ice Age, things were different. Climate was frigid, too cold for humans to settle, ...

The first battle for oil in Norway

Although it might seem like it, Norway's oil history did not begin with the first major discovery at the Ekofisk field in 1969 by Phillips Petroleum Co. It didn't even begin with the Balder discovery a couple of years earlier, ...

Solving for nuclear structure in light nuclei

In nuclei, all the fundamental forces of nature are at play. The dense region at the center of an atom—where the protons and neutrons are found—is a place where scientists can test their understanding of the fundamental ...

Why the 'extreme intoxication' defence is dangerous for women

"Extreme intoxication" is used as a defense by people who commit crimes of violence after becoming highly intoxicated. If successful, the defense results in full acquittal. An aggressor will not be held criminally responsible ...

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