
Second license awarded to award-winning ion funnel technology

Ion funnel technology developed at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory that improves detection and measurement capabilities of mass spectrometry is again showing its commercial value. Agilent Technologies, Inc., has introduced ...

Campaign to build 1837 Babbage's Analytical Engine

(PhysOrg.com) -- A campaign based in the UK is hoping to construct Charles Babbage's steam-powered Analytical Engine, a prototype computer around the size of a steam locomotive, which Babbage designed in 1837. While elements ...

China denies cartel-like behaviour on rare earths

A senior Chinese trade official on Tuesday denied the country was dictating prices of rare earth metals to the world and insisted shipments of the minerals to Japan were never blocked.

China a surprise leader in clean energy: study

The world's top polluter, China, is a surprise leader in clean energy efforts, a study showed Tuesday, outstripping the United States and Japan and leaving Australia lagging far behind.

Biology rides to computers' aid

Photonic crystals are exotic materials with the ability to guide light beams through confined spaces and could be vital components of low-power computer chips that use light instead of electricity. Cost-effective ways of ...

Scientists say Asia's corals dying en masse

Coral reefs in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean are dying from the worst bleaching effect in more than a decade, Australian marine scientists said Tuesday.

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