
Elite controllers block integration of HIV DNA into host genome

Alone among those infected with HIV-1, so-called elite controllers spontaneously maintain undetectable levels of viral replication even absent the benefit of anti-retroviral therapy. Now Mathias Lichterfeld of the Massachusetts ...

Is graphene the best quantum resistance standard?

New research from NPL's Quantum Detection Group presents the most precise measurements of the quantum Hall effect ever made, using the two-dimensional material graphene.

During shuttle era, Goddard provided the critical path

From the time a space shuttle launched until it landed at the Kennedy Space Center, NASA's space communication networks provided the constant communication link necessary for every mission.

New ceramic chip antennas offer better performance, reliability

Wireless devices such as mobile phones rely on the radio spectrum to send and receive data. There is growing interest in using a worldwide unlicensed spectrum around 60 gigahertz for future wireless applications, but conventional ...

Tiny wires a step towards photonic chip

(PhysOrg.com) -- Australian researchers have engineered one of the world’s smallest ever nanowires for the next generation of telecommunication technology, bringing them one step closer to the holy grail of optics – ...

Cassini presents Saturn moon quintet

(PhysOrg.com) -- With the artistry of a magazine cover shoot, NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured this portrait of five of Saturn's moons poised along the planet's rings.

A search for life at the Earth's extremes

(PhysOrg.com) -- A USC scientist will take a research expedition this month into the heart of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean to explore the very limits of life on Earth.

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