
Rising sea levels could benefit some reef systems

Researchers at The University of Western Australia have found rising sea levels can significantly reduce daily water temperature extremes in many reefs worldwide that experience strong tidal conditions. The research was published ...

Humane effective feral horse control essential for Kosciuszko

A Deakin University ecologist has led a team of 41 Australian scientists to write to New South Wales Premier Mike Baird to urge his Government to protect the Kosciuszko National Park through humane and effective feral horse ...

Researchers look workplace envy right in its green eyes

Envy can be a profound discomfort when another person gets what you want, but in the workplace it can also hinder an organization's productivity. In order to better understand the complexities of this silent constraint among ...

Warbler genomes look to be 99.97 percent alike

For decades, conservationists have considered blue-winged warblers to be a threat to golden-winged warblers, a species being considered for federal Endangered Species protection. Blue-winged warbler populations have declined ...

Most distant catch for ESA station

An ESA tracking station has acquired signals from the international Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn, across more than 1.4 billion km of space.

IMAGE: The longest call

On 10 August 2016, ESA's tracking station at New Norcia, Western Australia, hosting a 35 m-diameter, 630-tonne deep-space antenna, received signals transmitted by NASA's Cassini orbiter at Saturn, through 1.44 billion km ...

2014 Napa earthquake continued to creep, weeks after main shock

Nearly two years ago, on August 24, 2014, just south of Napa, California, a fault in the Earth suddenly slipped, violently shifting and splitting huge blocks of solid rock, 6 miles below the surface. The underground upheaval ...

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