
EU ruling against Google opens 'opportunity,' rival says

European regulators' latest swipe at the dominance of U.S. tech giant Google could open new opportunities for rivals in search and web browsers—that is, if cellphone manufacturers decide to make the most of the opening.

Long way home as Przewalski's horses fly to Mongolia

Their violent kicks rattle the small army plane flying over Siberia as it transports the four rare horses from Prague to the vast Mongolian steppe where the once near-extinct species is slowly recovering.

Guide to Mars Opposition 2018

Have you checked out Mars this season? Mars reaches opposition on July 27th at 5:00 Universal Time (UT) shining at magnitude -2.8 and appearing 24.3" across—nearly as large as it can appear, and the largest since the historic ...

Infrared sensor as new method for drug discovery

Using an infrared sensor, biophysicists at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have succeeded in analysing quickly and easily which active agents affect the structure of proteins and how long that effect lasts. Thus, Prof Dr. ...

The case for introducing rhinos to Australia

Rhinos in Australia might seem like an insane proposition – after all, we've had historically bad luck with introduced species. But on reflection it's not quite as crazy as it sounds.

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