
Pope Francis' climate message fails to move GOP

Pope Francis' call for dramatic action on climate change drew a round of shrugs from congressional Republicans, while a number of the party's presidential candidates ignored it entirely.

First solar cell made of highly ordered molecular frameworks

Researchers at KIT have developed a material suited for photovoltaics. For the first time, a functioning organic solar cell consisting of a single component has been produced on the basis of metal-organic framework compounds ...

Scientists solve decades-old cell biology puzzle

Researchers at EMBL Heidelberg have solved a question that has puzzled cell biologists for decades – how does the protein machine that allows cells to swallow up molecules during endocytosis function?

Web-based services that store too much personal data

Photos, videos, PDF documents and location data: the permissions requested by some apps give them access to more information than users are aware of. EPFL researchers have come up with a tool to better follow and manage these ...

Modeling how thin films break up

Excess surface energy from unsatisfied bonds is a significant driver of dimensional changes in thin-film materials, whether formation of holes, contracting edges, or run-away corners. In general, this break-up of a material ...

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