
Friendly giants have cozy habitable zones too

It is a well-known fact that all stars have a lifespan. This begins with their formation, then continues through their main sequence phase (which constitutes the majority of their life) before ending in death. In most cases, ...

Improved modelling of ice-ocean processes

Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica is currently one of the single biggest contributors to sea-level rise with an estimated volume loss of 1.2mm sea-level equivalent per decade. The loss is caused, at least partly, by ...

Atmospheric aerosols can significantly cool down climate

It is possible to significantly slow down and even temporarily stop the progression of global warming by increasing the atmospheric aerosol concentration, shows a new study from the University of Eastern Finland. However, ...

NASA's Orion EM-1 crew module passes critical pressure tests

The next Orion crew module in line to launch to space on NASA's Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) has passed a critical series of proof pressure tests which confirm the effectiveness of the welds holding the spacecraft structure ...

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