
Extraterrestrial oceans – beneath the surface

Icy objects in our solar system have large oceans under their surfaces and here life could evolve and flourish. So says a new thesis by Jesper Lindkvist, PhD student at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and Umeå University. ...

Understanding a natural cloaking mechanism

Researchers at Yale and in Europe are exploring a natural "cloaking" mechanism that allows certain elastic materials—think Jell-O, for instance—to imbibe substantial amounts of liquid droplets without changing their own ...

Nature vs. nurture? Both are important, anthropologist argues

Evolutionary science stresses the contributions biology makes to our behavior. Some anthropologists try to understand how societies and histories construct our identities, and others ask about how genes and the environment ...

Image: Water etchings in Western Mexico sands

Expedition 47 Flight Engineer Tim Kopra of NASA (@astro_tim) shared this May 15, 2016 photograph taken from the International Space Station to social media, writing, "Water etchings in western @Mexico sands. @Space_Station ...

New Horizons collects first science on a post-Pluto object

Warming up for a possible extended mission as it speeds through deep space, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has now twice observed 1994 JR1, a 90-mile (145-kilometer) wide Kuiper Belt object (KBO) orbiting more than 3 billion ...

New metal alloys overcome strength-ductility tradeoff

For centuries—in fact, since the Bronze Age began some 7,000 years ago—the creation of new metallic alloys has mostly been a trial-and-error process. Traditionally, one metal constituent was always dominant, with others ...

The small wind turbines you'll want in your back yard

A European Commission strategic plan wants to see 20 percent penetration of wind energy throughout the E.U. by 2020. The growing trend for decentralised energy generation by home and business owners could help meet this target ...

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