
World's first handmade cloned transgenic sheep born in China

Chinese scientists from BGI together with the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Shihezi University, Xinjiang province, made a significant breakthrough in animal cloning. ...

Researchers boost efficiency of multi-hop wireless networks

Multi-hop wireless networks can provide data access for large and unconventional spaces, but they have long faced significant limits on the amount of data they can transmit. Now researchers from North Carolina State University ...

Federal spending on clean tech dives, report says

A report released Wednesday by scholars at the Brookings Institution and the Oakland, Calif.-based Breakthrough Institute warns that federal spending on clean technologies is drying up, with little sign of additional help ...

Networks in motion

A new article by a Northwestern University complex networks expert discusses how networks governing processes in nature and society are becoming increasingly amenable to modeling, forecast and control.

Metal oxides hold the key to cheap, green energy

Harnessing the energy of sunlight can be as simple as tuning the optical and electronic properties of metal oxides at the atomic level by making an artificial crystal or super-lattice 'sandwich' says a Binghamton University ...

Is the Greek haircut a snip too far for investors?

Research from the University of Reading suggests that the recent bail-out for Greece could lead to decades of legal actions as disgruntled investors sue for compensation.

Safety on two wheels revealed

Moped riders crash more frequently, and motorcyclists are more than three times as likely to die in accidents, a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) road safety researcher has found.

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