
Video: Geologists explore the history of cave ice

Christoph Spötl and Gabriella Koltai from the University of Innsbruck investigate the Eisriesenwelt in Werfen in the province of Salzburg, one of the biggest ice caves worldwide.

Neglected species—red alert for endangered trees

Trees supply the air that we breathe, help regulate our climate and provide habitat, food and shelter for millions of species, including our own. We are utterly dependent on them for survival. With Amazonia and Australia ...

Researchers tackle Mars topographic systems

Researchers at Trinity College Dublin have been shedding light on the enigmatic "spiders from Mars," providing the first physical evidence that these unique features on the planet's surface can be formed by the sublimation ...

Researchers reveal missing optical localized gap modes

Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is a typical quantum destructive interference effect, which possesses many striking properties such as elimination of optical absorption, reduction of group velocity and remarkable ...

How flashlight fish communicate with light signals in schools

Flashlight fish have the ability to generate situation-specific blink patterns resembling a visual Morse code. Researchers at Ruhr-Universität Bochum have shown in laboratory and field experiments that the animals use these ...

Particulates are more dangerous than previously thought

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have for the first time observed photochemical processes inside the smallest particles in the air. In doing so, they discovered that additional oxygen radicals that can be harmful ...

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